Responsibilities to the society
The Management of Gia Thy Construction Joint-stock Co. perceives that the Company’s contribution to building a society of sustainable development is essential. Gia Thy commits to build, apply, and maintain a system of Social Responsibilities Management under standard SA 8000:2001, and a system of Environment Management under standard ISO 14000:2004 to improve the working conditions, provide environment protection, and enhance the companywide awareness of these issues.
The said policy contains the following commitments:
- Comply with Vietnamese laws on labor; honor the international conventions mentioned in part II, Standard SA 8000: 2001, and the interpretations of such conventions.
- Frequently pay attention to improving the conditions of labor safety for officers and employees, and environment protection for the community.
- Disseminate regulations on the social responsibilities policy to all officers and employees, including the member companies, sub-contractors, and suppliers, for their understanding, support, and performance.